Headquartered in Xi'an, China, LONGi, currently the world’s largest manufacturer of monocrystalline silicon wafers, cells and modules, has won the bid to supply 275MW high efficiency modules for the Sihong Photovoltaic TopRunner Base in Jiangsu Province. The winning bid includes 104MW mono PERC bifacial double-glass Hi-MO 3 panels for the No.1 and No.3 “Fishery-Solar Complementary” projects.

Sihong County, located in the lower reaches of the Huai River in the northwestern Jiangsu Province, covers an area of 2,731 square kilometers and has a population of 1.1 million. In November 2017, Sihong County was approved as the 3rd batch of National Photovoltaic TopRunner Base. In the planning, the base will install total capacity of 1000MW with its first batch of 500MW located in Tiangang Lake and Xiangtao Lake. The whole project officially started construction in May 2018 with a total investment of 4 billion yuan.

Sihong Tongli New Energy Co., Ltd invested 1.6 billion yuan into the Sihong Photovoltaic TopRunner Base projects for the installed capacity of 200 MW. The project generates about 260 million Kwh of electricity, reducing about 310,000 tons of coal and 13,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions annually.
“The daily power generation of the No. 1 and No. 3 ‘Fishery-Solar Complementary’ projects is about 600,000 ~ 700,000 kWh per day, with a peak of up to 800,000 kWh per day.” said Zhao Zhen, head of the power station, on September 23.
“The data is reliable and verifies the power generation capacity of the high-efficiency Hi-MO 3 bifacial double-glass products.” a technical staff of LONGi added.

Sihong County receives on average 2,327 hours of sunshine per year, and effective utilization of photovoltaic power generation is more than 1,200 hours, presenting very favorable conditions for the development of photovoltaic plants.
“The entire base has brought 15,000 jobs and increased income for the local people” said Zhao Zhen. “LONGi Hi-MO3 high-efficiency bifacial double-glass modules supplied are now helping the ‘Fishery-Solar Complementary’ projects in Sihong achieve more power and generate more income.”
As a leading solar company, LONGi promotes the use of high-quality and high efficiency photovoltaic products, and was deeply involved in the construction of Sihong Photovoltaic TopRunner Base in its contribution of clean energy to the national goal of “Blue Waters and Lush Mountains”.