From Me From Now — 21 Actions to Reduce Carbon Emission

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2021 is a crucial year for all of us around the world. Together we must make 2021 the year of climate action. we have just ten years to bring our emissions under control. A decade to limit global temperature rises, to the levels set out in the Paris Agreement. The science is clear on the destruction we will unleash if we do not. Water supplies strained. Nature devastated. Human health increasingly stunted by the air we breath. So it is vital that we act now. The choices we make today will determine whether we or not we achieve it. A Net-Zero future needs everyone’s contribution. The choices we make today will determine whether we or not we achieve it. And our destiny on our planet earth is closely connected to our actions.

LONGi Group calls for 21 actions to reduce carbon emission From you, From now Starting from small things around us for a Net-Zero earth. 

  1. Drive electric
  2. Wear clothes to last
  3. Walk and cycle more
  4. Cut food waste
  5. Green Your Money
  6. Repair and reuse your belongings rather than buying new
  7. Speak up at work / Talk to friends
  8. Eat more plants
  9. Eat seasonal
  10. Turning down the heating in winter and turning up the air conditioner in summer
  11. Turn off unnecessary lights
  12. Reducing smoking
  13. Moderate drinking
  14. Reducing unnecessary flights
  15. Using energy-efficient home lighting methods
  16. Double-side printing
  17. Reuse furniture
  18. Work in natural light
  19. Cherish water resource
  20. Refuse bottled water
  21. Use reusable shopping bags

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