Notice on LONGi's Non-disclosure Requirements to Suppliers


Notice on LONGi's Non-disclosure Requirements to Suppliers

In order to protect LONGi's intellectual properties, reduce secret-leakage risks on supplier side, and strengthen confidentiality management of suppliers, the Supply Chain Management Center now announces the non-disclosure requirements to all suppliers according to LONGi's unified procedures. 

I. All newly-registered suppliers must sign the Commitment on Non-disclosure of Cooperation.

II. The Non-disclosure Agreement must be signed by suppliers of production materials or equipment who can access technical secrets, or services suppliers who can enter LONGi headquarters or any production bases.

III. All suppliers who wish to visit LONGi must make an appointment in advance. In principle, visiting suppliers must be accompanied by LONGi counterparts until they leave the premise. Visitors are not allowed to walk around in LONGi headquarters or production bases without accompanies. 

IV. To enter LONGi headquarters or production sites, a supplier must provide proof of personal or the company’s identity (such as recommendation of the company, employee card, work permit, etc.)

V. Suppliers are not allowed to bring irrelevant personnel with them to LONGi headquarters or production bases. In case of such wrong practices, LONGi will put the supplier into its blacklist, and hold it legally accountable and claim all financial loss incurred if necessary.

VI. Suppliers are not allowed to take photos or record videos during visits to LONGi headquarters or production bases. In critical confidentiality areas, suppliers need to hand over their cellphones and similar devices to LONGi for safe-keeping.  

VII. Suppliers must comply with local confidentiality rules when visiting LONGi production bases.

All supply partners are kindly asked to read through the above rules, and comply with the requirements.