Anti-unfair competition
LONGi advocates for fair competition and strictly abides by laws and regulations such as the Anti-Unfair Competition Law of the People’s Republic of China. We have established the Regulations for Anti-monopoly Compliance Management and the Anti-Monopoly Compliance Manual to prevent any actions that may confuse the market or mislead consumers, and does not implement bribes and other unfair competition means to seek trading opportunities. Moreover, the Company respects and protects trade secrets, does not engage in false publicity, and guarantees the fairness and transparency of prize sales. When participating in online business activities, LONGi does not disrupt the normal operation of web products or services and is committed to creating a market environment for fair competition. In 2023, the Company did not encounter any litigation related to unfair competition or monopoly practices.
LONGi has always been committed to probity and clean administration, observing the anti-corruption and anti-bribery policies outlined in the United Nations Convention against Corruption. We have established and updated internal regulations such as the Anti-Commercial Bribery Management Measures and the Position-Specific Fraud Risk Management Rules. Regular investigations are conducted in accordance with the supervision procedures to address any violations. No direct or indirect political donations were engaged by the Company in 2023. All charitable donations were subject to the specific approval process, in accordance with the laws and regulations of the respective regions. Cases of violations due to fraud and corruption were 0.