LONGi Solar, the world's leading manufacturer of mono cells and modules, is now represented on the board of directors of SolarPower Europe, the association of the solar sector in Europe. Gerald Müller, VP Sales Europe of LONGi Solar, was elected to the board of SolarPower Europe at the association’s General Meeting in Brussels, Belgium.
James Watson, CEO Solar Power Europe said, “I am very pleased to welcome LONGi Solar to the board of SolarPower Europe. We are very delighted to have somebody with the caliber and experience of Gerald Müller working with the leading companies and people in Europe.”
Gerald Müller, VP Sales Europe of LONGi Solar said, “It is an honour for LONGi to join the board of SolarPower Europe and support the association's work for an open, unrestricted and much larger solar market in Europe.”
The other 4 new directors elected to the board come from Huawei Technologies, Tesla Inc, ENI SpA and SMA Solar Technologies. The board of directors consists of representatives from 12 companies, including Christian Westermeier from Wacker Chemie, who serves as President of Solar Power Europe.

James Watson, CEO SolarPower Europe congratulates Gerald Müller, VP Sales Europe LONGI Solar, who was elected to SolarPower Europe’s board of directors.
About LONGi Solar
LONGi Solar is a subsidiary of LONGi Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd. Founded in 2000, the X’ian, China headquartered LONGI is today the world largest vertically integrated manufacturer of monocrystalline silicon solar products, including ingots, wafers, cells, modules as well as solar solutions.